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Court says Canada's asylum agreement with US infringes Canadian Constitutional rights
RE: Court says Canada's asylum agreement with US infringes Canadian Constitutional rights
(07-23-2020, 08:35 PM)Rajvik Wrote: no Matrix, they are people, but they are not our responsibility and they are not due the protections of our constitution. Now i find it amusing that you make these comments when your own government have been turning away "Refugees" from Indonesia for decades, therefore you have no real room to speak

Should I take this to read that US citizens are not due the protections of other nations' constitutions either? Because oh boy, that's a can of worms to open.

There's a reason there are international treaties (that the US signed) regarding things like 'treating our citizens like they're yours' and 'just because they're refugees entering your territory without your permission that doesn't mean you get to abuse them'.

Although, the USA has had a long and storied history of treating people poorly. Including its own citizens.

(07-23-2020, 09:08 PM)Rajvik Wrote: sighs...
Matrix, part of me wants to say, "Yes, i am that asshole ICE regional director from Coneheads" but we have laws for a reason. Most of those people that are coming here are coming through countries that are "Safe" compared to where they are coming from, they have the opportunity to find jobs there, to make lives for themselves there and yet they push on towards the US, (or Australia in your case) the question is why and the answer as my mother used to show her history classes was this:

they don't want good enough they want what we have, now while i don't begrudge them that there are laws in place and a waiting list to get in.

As for who is at fault for what, as some of you have been so kind to remind us all, you get what you vote for and you have to live with who you put in office.

That it's safe where they are coming from doesn't mean it's safer than where they want to go. Or that where they are now is capable of supporting them.

In fact, most of the illegal migration happening between the USA and Mexico happens because the USA is screaming for cheap labour, and Mexicans being willing to work harder for less pay compared to US citizens. You could shut most of the illegal migration down just by addressing that economical issue. Or focus the punitive measures for your enforcement on the companies making use of illegal migrant labour and making a point of finding and dealing with those companies and their officers.

That sort of structure works because there's an economic incentive on all sides to let it work after all.

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RE: Court says Canada's asylum agreement with US infringes Canadian Constitutional rights - by hazard - 07-24-2020, 03:40 AM

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