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Zoinks, I just spent TWELVE HOURS making a Champions character
RE: Zoinks, I just spent TWELVE HOURS making a Champions character
No costuming whatsoever. I don't even have a basic concept, aside from "generic fantasy issekai clothes with at most light armor," and only that much detail because rPD/rED fluffed as Psychokinetic Defense is part of the normal powers, along with having raised her base PD/ED a couple points each. Very little change would need to be made to drop her into a similar-power-level modern or futuristic setting as is, basically just changing what local organisation she's a Member of and occasionally gets a mission request from, as Adventurer's Guilds are not that common outside of the D&D-by-way-of-MMO-ripoffs pseudo-medieval fantasy genre. And, of course, scaling a character up is always quicker than down to arrive somewhere between the existing builds.

Also, add another eight hours after sleeping on it and mercilessly cutting away a whole bunch of cool stuff to actually get a 125pt version who could, at least theoretically, grow to that 400-500pt Superheroic build with enough XP. Only having a 10pt VPP instead of 65pt does put a couple of things entirely out of reach, but the majority is surprisingly possible even at very low point totals when you're building on the assumption that 2d6 is a really big attack - equal to a greatsword, the biggest muscle powered melee weapon in the example table. 1m of Flight with 1m=1km Megascale won't do much except let you catch yourself from a fall in combat, but even at only Speed 3 it translates to 900kph noncombat, only costs 2pt, and it's also useful for getting things off the top shelf for a shortie like my girl here Tongue

Sadly, that does mean dropping Universal Translator, but I managed to squeeze a few points to put into a computer ("Galactic Smartpad") with that plus the Galactic Datanet Card perk, and Computer Access on top of that to be able to get at the Common Access Trans-Galactic Internet Reference Library System for use with the Cramming skill, then a "Cram a skill with CAT-GIRLS" Program, and a "Teach a Crammed skill" Program using the Instructor skill from the Hero Syystem Skills 6e. Also the GalaxyOffice productivity suite Program, a multimedia record/edit/playback Program using Clairsentience (Sight Group and Normal Hearing) and matching Images, and a Program for 3D modeling for simulation and printing to go with the Cosmetic Transform Power that handles both 2D and 3D physical output. 20pt for Universal Translator as a normal Perk is really kind of overpriced unless you're specifically in a game where you deal with lots of foreign travel or ancient writing, especially at the Heroic level where points are tight to begin with.

I'm actually more excited about the low-point build than irked about the time lost now, even if there's still not likely to be any chance to use her in a game.

edit: What Bob said, though that just means costuming happens on napkins and envelope sketches for the most part Wink
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Zoinks, I just spent TWELVE HOURS making a Champions character - by classicdrogn - 08-25-2020, 03:45 PM

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