Really, I don't see why others here in the USA can't see the forest for the trees in this matter. But I guess it's like what Bob said - me first and everyone else can go to hell.
Personally, I think that it's worse than that.
I mean, we've all seen it and even acknowledged it - that the most toxic and vociferous supporters of Trump and the current regime of the GOP seem to actively desire for this country to fall into turmoil. And I don't mean that metaphorically, I mean an actually apocalyptic collapse of society.
But why would anyone want that?
Easy. Because it's the most "realistic" fantasy that can be achieved. Building something great and wonderful is a lot of hard work. But it's so SO much easier to wreck shit and make it so that no one can have nice things. And then there's the fantasy aspect of it all: everybody wants to be like fucking Dale in The Walking Dead.
So if we can't have a zombie apocalypse, we do the next best thing - divide the populace, stir up unrest, and pretty much do everything you can to get people to fight each other. Because once you start sharing your polarizing views, others will retaliate with their own, and that is bound to set off others in their adjoining circles with outcries of "How can you say such a thing!" (We see this with the backlash against BLM with Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter.)
So, yeah. I take back what I said on the matter. They can see the forest for the trees. Problem is they'd very much like to clearcut that forest, burn the rest to ashes, and then salt the earth afterwards, because fuck everyone else - they're out to get their apocalypse whether the rest of us want it or not.
Personally, I think that it's worse than that.
I mean, we've all seen it and even acknowledged it - that the most toxic and vociferous supporters of Trump and the current regime of the GOP seem to actively desire for this country to fall into turmoil. And I don't mean that metaphorically, I mean an actually apocalyptic collapse of society.
But why would anyone want that?
Easy. Because it's the most "realistic" fantasy that can be achieved. Building something great and wonderful is a lot of hard work. But it's so SO much easier to wreck shit and make it so that no one can have nice things. And then there's the fantasy aspect of it all: everybody wants to be like fucking Dale in The Walking Dead.
So if we can't have a zombie apocalypse, we do the next best thing - divide the populace, stir up unrest, and pretty much do everything you can to get people to fight each other. Because once you start sharing your polarizing views, others will retaliate with their own, and that is bound to set off others in their adjoining circles with outcries of "How can you say such a thing!" (We see this with the backlash against BLM with Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter.)
So, yeah. I take back what I said on the matter. They can see the forest for the trees. Problem is they'd very much like to clearcut that forest, burn the rest to ashes, and then salt the earth afterwards, because fuck everyone else - they're out to get their apocalypse whether the rest of us want it or not.