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2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC
RE: 2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC
Well suffice to say I am very glad to have been wrong, but that CBC results aggregator was at the time reading 283 electors for the Cheeto. Now the question becomes how sore a loser he is (we already know he's as likely to be a gracious in defeat as he is humble in victory, which is not at all,) how many things he breaks out of spite instead of simple incompetence, how many more people die needlessly, etc. And if he maintains that GOP battle streak by starting a civil war rather than sending the boys on a foreign adventure.

I am really, honestly worried about that, because no end of a gun is the right one when I'm looking across it at my own usually sensible sister. My nephew. My youngest niece, currently pregnant. I held her. I came one phone call away from technically kidnapping her if her asshole dad didn't put her and her sister back on the bus to their mother when the summer visit was supposed to be over. And probable jail time for it, regardless of how an actual custody suit would have gone, with the states involved.

And at the fact that keeping the antipresident from throwing out the Constitution still would be the morally correct choice despite having been more ashamed than proud to be an American for at least twenty years. If I believed gods were anything more than outdated superstition, I'd be shouting damnation at him for bringing it to the point it even seems remotely plausible.

So don't make that offer unless you're willing to back it up, Rob.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: 2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC - by classicdrogn - 11-04-2020, 05:18 PM

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