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2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC
RE: 2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC
I've pretty much told my brothers the same thing - until the electoral vote is in, we shouldn't be counting our chickens until they've hatched.

That said, I think we could all do with a little less vitriol here.  There's been enough upsetting things going on lately, and I'm sure that even Geth agrees that a lot of this was brought on by the GOP going all Ride or Die on Trump.

To be quite frank, I find the GOP's mentality of trying to remain in power by any means possible to be utterly disturbing.

Well, I forget who exactly said it, but one of the GOP Senators said in regards to Trump's impeachment, if not word for word, that the Senate should leave it to the American people to decide come election day.

Well, whoever you were?

Happy Election Day, fuck-face.

The people have spoken.

Trump is fired.

And by all rights, a good number of you Senators should be as well.  You only retain your seats by virtue of not being up for reelection, or by being in territory so Right Wing that it's eliminating all sense of the term "moderate" and sidling up to "extremist radical" territory.

I simply don't get it.  I mean, yeah, in a ways, I do.  A lot of these people want to have free license to be sexist, racist, isolationist ass holes who get to rule over their own personal fiefs.  And I don't just mean these Senators, I also mean the people that vote for them.  But do they honestly think that everyone else is just going to roll over and let them have their way?  That we're always just going to be that apathetic?  Just because they think they got some god-given manifest destiny to be horrible people?

I recall seeing, at one point in time in this very forum, that both sides are very well aware of what the other thinks of them.  So if these people are that self aware, why don't they ever do anything to try and fix that image problem?  Yes, I know Democrats are ones to talk about such things, with all the rhetoric about de-funding police, confiscating firearms, and promoting socialism.  But that's the thing.  For us, it's mostly just rhetoric.  Most of us are realistic enough to know that things like blanket-bans on guns aren't going to work.  (Beto O'Rourke had this lesson driven home - he would have been a shoe-in to replace Cruz, but he had to spout off about banning all semi-autos. Unfortunately, though, I don't think he's still quite gotten it yet.)

But by and large, the GOP has been bringing the offensive to bear on the rest of the Nation to such a degree that we hardly even have time to consider the reforms some Democrats would like to pursue.  We're too busy trying to defend things like the well being of the Middle Class, civil rights for the LGBTQ population, voting rights for minorities, reproductive rights for women, the ability for immigrants to become tax-paying law abiding productive US citizens...  This is shit that should not even be in question, and yet we're fighting that battle every fucking day.

This is not a tenable situation.

So what if we put a dent in China's GDP?  Big fucking deal.  All they need is a few months and they'll get it back.  With interest.  They're fucking China for gods sake.  While they have shifted closer to a free market economy, it's still a communist regime, and one that sees their own population as nothing more than meat to throw into the grinder.  Everything for the greater good.  All they have to do is just wait us out.  And in the mean time, all we've succeeded in doing is hurting our own GDP just as badly as prices for goods are jacked up while wages remain the same as ever.

But no.  We have to be greedy.  We have to pay our workers as little as we can get away with, charge them for goods and services as much as possible, get the Government to pay for as much as we can get them to, and all while contributing as little to the tax coffers as possible.  After all, it's fine to bleed everyone else dry so long as you can retreat to your private beach in the tropics, right?

This needs to stop.  The racism.  The sexism.  The bigotry.  The unchecked greed.  Even the religious persecution - if you really believe in Christ, then why the hell are you being such a piece of shit!?

This is why Trump has lost the election.  He has angered so many people that a sufficient number of the Silent Majority has ceased to be silent.  Where before these people have simply shrugged and said, "Whatever - not my fleas, not my circus", they have had it made abundantly clear to them by the GOP that it is indeed their fleas, and it is indeed their circus.  And the GOP did it by mismanaging the government so horribly that it has had a clear and blatant impact on the lives of millions across the US - not one single corner of this country has NOT felt the impacts.  Whether its been the lack of business because of an ill-advised trade war, the normalization of racism and violence, the blind eye towards abuse of police authority, the revocation of reproductive rights, the relaxing of environmental protections, or any number of other things this administration has done that is hurtful to all but the small handful of wealthy privileged few.

For quite some time, the GOP held power in the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office.  They had ample opportunities to do good things.  They have had very little excuse.  They could have fixed the Affordable Healthcare Act, but they were so concerned about just getting rid of it altogether that they couldn't even agree on what to replace it with.  They have been so dead-set on catering to corporations that they've all-but eliminated net neutrality, and we've seen the end results when people who were in the most dire need could not access the Internet because they couldn't afford the premium bandwidth.  They have been so intent on courting the extremist-conservative religious right wing that they have actively made the lives of others miserable.

The GOP has simply failed to make this country a better place.  They did not make America great again.  They made us into a laughing stock.  Elsewhere in the world, people do things like place Trump's visage inside urinal stalls.  Do you think this is just people making a joke?  News flash: this is what they think of America now - because we've betrayed so many trusts, our word is barely even worth garbage now.

I do not envy Joe Biden.  He has a lot of work to do, and he has a lot that he is going to be fighting against because the GOP still hasn't gotten the message - that it's the people that matter, and not the churches and corporations.  And so long as the GOP continues to permit churches and corporations continue to fill their campaign coffers, they are going to fight against all that is decent and humane.  They are going to fight Joe Biden tooth and nail so they can continue to be greedy, selfish, ruthless, hateful, spiteful people who will steal all that they can from the American people.

God help us all.

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RE: 2020 US election - It Came from Washington DC - by Black Aeronaut - 11-07-2020, 09:12 PM

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