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"Conversion Therapy"? Not for much longer, in Canada.
RE: "Conversion Therapy"? Not for much longer, in Canada.
Pretty much what Geth said.

I forget if it was here in the Politics subforum or somewhere else, but I remember seeing a screenshot of a Tumblr post that talked about priests going over The Sermon on the Mount, or even reading it out, word for word.

Thing is, this is basically Christ's treatise about how people should be treating each other. You know, the usual stuff. Love your neighbor no matter what and all. Nothing at all about persecuting those of other faiths, skin colors, gender orientation, or whatever.

And what happened?

A dismaying number of people complained or even walked out entirely.

Please don't hold the rest of us accountable for the actions of some certain members of of the Christian faith. While there are some who do espouse these messages of hate and intolerance, those aren't our teachings, never have been, and never should be. In my eyes, those who would do evil unto their neighbors in the name of God are nothing more than cultists following Satan's ways, no matter what they may say to the contrary.

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RE: "Conversion Therapy"? Not for much longer, in Canada. - by Black Aeronaut - 11-17-2020, 05:43 PM

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