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2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
I wouldn't know myself, Labster.

For my part, I believe that all public services should be socialist programs at all levels of the government (what level depends on the scope), and my idea of public services includes not only schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, but also electric, water, and telecom (ISP) services.  (And no one dare say that Internet Service is not a critical need in today's society - we may not have flying cars, but the future is definitely here.)

I'd also like to see other economic reforms.  Corporations should not be "persons".  They can have representation the same way labor unions do (I really like how they do things in the Nordic System), but otherwise I don't believe they should be receiving handouts.  If a company is gonna fail, then let it fail - they obviously made some very poor choices.  I do feel, however, that the government should help brake the fall as much as possible by providing welfare assistance to the former employees and retraining opportunities so they can pursue a different career.

And there should be a minimum living wage.  Though I'd caveat that it should be set at the municipal level, and the only regulation from above that is that it meets with the cost of living demands in that area.  As well as whether or not you're an adult, and how many dependents you have.  Because, for real, the people themselves are the greatest resource of any country - anyone that says otherwise is selling snake oil.

Oh, and can we PLEASE do something about the housing market!?  For fucks sake, homes are supposed to be LIVED IN.  If people keep jacking up the prices of houses everywhere, then pretty soon every goddamn city is gonna be like Cupertino.  How would I fix it?  Mandate that a house must be held in ownership for a minimum of ten years before they sell it again.  Seriously, if these people wanna make money on housing, then maybe they should start renting them out at reasonable prices.

I'd also like to see the government thoroughly secularized, with only a basic moral code everyone can agree on to guide lawmaking and judgment.  Sure, it'll take on shades of the Ten Commandments, but I'd crack skulls if needs be if people insist that women have no rights to their reproductive abilities.  Oh, and the government will have no right to dictate the lifestyle choices of people.  Nor will any religion or quasi-religious entity.  They can deny membership, but the moment their congregations start to discriminate outside the walls of their houses of worship, then it's time to put them down.  Because, let's face it, so long as no harm is being done, then it's not your god-fucking-damned business.

I wouldn't know where this puts me in European politics, but around here some people (Read: Republicans) think I'm a raving lunatic.

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RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings - by Black Aeronaut - 11-26-2020, 03:26 AM

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