(11-29-2020, 08:01 PM)hazard Wrote: Trump is going to keep complaining no matter what. Not only can he most likely not wrap his head around losing, if he lost he's exposed to a wide spectrum of legal trouble he has been able to keep ahead of on account of being president.
Honest question here, what has Trump done (besides being an obnoxious asshole some people did not want in office) that warrants criminal action that is any worse than what any other president of any political alignment has done? And why is he only shielded by being President?
Impeachment is nothing, Trump laughed his off because it died on the table and Clinton was actually impeached for perjury and still finished out his term. Buchanan was censured for influence peddling and it went nowhere even after he left office. Jackson was censured for contempt of Congress and spat on it without rebuke.
Nixon is the only president thus far who has committed actions that would have gotten him imprisoned had he not gotten a pardon. In that case, there were clear abuses of power that damaged the state itself both sides could agree on.
I get it, Trump's a jackass, I don't disagree, but most of our presidents have been jackasses. Besides, Obama drone struck people left and right, and Bush Jr started several wars on dubious grounds. What has Trump done that reaches Nixon tier bad to the point you could get everyone to agree he's scum besides being an asshole in in general, which is infuriating but not a crime?