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2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings
RE: The Texas Suit:

The thing to keep in mind about Ken Paxton and his ilks is that they like to put on this big show, proclaiming themselves to be the savior of the people in the fashion of The Duke Brothers, when really, they're all just a bunch of Boss Hogs.  (And they know it, too.)

The problem arises from the fact that despite the above being, as Corwin Ravenhair once said, as obvious as weasels on acid, enough of their constituents fall for the lie that the Democrats are gonna come and take their guns away, make red meat illegal, and throw open the borders to every wetback in Mexico and beyond.

Though I will certainly admit that many Democrats fucking shoot themselves in the feet (yes, plural) in trying to curry favor with the anti-gun activists.  Even though this is really a small, vocal minority.  (Many of us would agree to better regulation, just not the ridiculous blanket-bans some of these groups are clamoring for.)  And then dumb-asses like Beto O'Rourke - who looks like he's about to swipe the Senate seat from Ted Cruz, spouts off with that shit about banning semi-auto weapons.

And just like that he lost all credibility because - whodathunkit!? - there's gun-toting Democrats in Texas of all places!</s>

Thing is, Democrats NEED to be reaching across the aisle.  And not just in some half-assed fingers crossed behind their backs way.  They need to give actual assurances and guarantees that some Conservative ideals will be respected and treated as being sacrosanct.

Yes, there are things that need to change.  The Government needs to be secularized once again.  Minimum wage needs to be redefined.  The Electoral College needs reform.  These aren't partisian issues, though, no matter how much people like Moscow Mitch would have people believe.  They are very much bipartisian.  The issue is, unfortunately, that Republican Senators do such a good job at fear mongering that they get to have their way regardless of the needs and desires of their constituants.

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RE: 2020 US election - The fat lady is warming up in the wings - by Black Aeronaut - 12-12-2020, 03:27 AM

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