Is anyone getting into all I get is a DDOS delay that hangs on 5 seconds
Noticed was down yesterday afternoon in the middle of reading a fanfic I had put off reading since last Novermber and was about two thirds of the way through.
Very aggravating.
I have done all the work arounds I could think of, such as trying the mobile site, flushing my browsers buffers and even starting up one of rarely used emergency browsers and trying the site.
Finally I tried "Down for everyone or just me" and it said it was "Down for everyone."
JUst checked it a hour ago and it still says it "Down for everyone."
What's going on? Any one heard anything?
Noticed was down yesterday afternoon in the middle of reading a fanfic I had put off reading since last Novermber and was about two thirds of the way through.
Very aggravating.
I have done all the work arounds I could think of, such as trying the mobile site, flushing my browsers buffers and even starting up one of rarely used emergency browsers and trying the site.
Finally I tried "Down for everyone or just me" and it said it was "Down for everyone."
JUst checked it a hour ago and it still says it "Down for everyone."
What's going on? Any one heard anything?