Thanks for the information. So far i did the low tech copy and past method. I did copy and past all the members into the new members database and those are now visible, only to find that the accounts are useless since the email and passwords are not available.
I have been using the same method on the posts, but this doesn't work as intended. The PHPBB3.3.2 database looks to be way more complex than the backup.
Granted I'm a mechanical engineer, not a software engineer
Labster, i did find SQLCODE Function Would this be what you are looking for?
I have been using the same method on the posts, but this doesn't work as intended. The PHPBB3.3.2 database looks to be way more complex than the backup.
Granted I'm a mechanical engineer, not a software engineer
Labster, i did find SQLCODE Function Would this be what you are looking for?