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[IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid
We're Putting the Team Together!
We're Putting the Team Together!

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 13, 2016
4:15PM ET

"I'd like to go over the list you've put together, and see who we can and can't work with."

"I'm sure you would, Michiru. But don't you have a rede to lead tonight? I'd think it would make more sense for you to go get some sleep."

"I'm still young - I can stay up all night."

Rob deliberately ignored the implication in her comment. "Suit yourself, Michiru. Do you want a coffee or something?"

"I want to get this over with so we can start the attack," Haruka replied.

"Not until everyone's here. I promised Usagi she could sit in on these planning meetings."

Haruka made a face, something of a mix of cross and upset. "Why? She isn't the best tactical planner in the group."

Rob nodded. "That's exactly why. She needs to learn. So do I, for that matter." Just then, a portal opened on the common room's wall. "And here's the other people I'm expecting," Rob continued as he walked over to it. After he knocked on the door twice, it opened and two people stepped through. "Welcome to Ottawa, folks."

"Thanks for inviting us over, Rob."

"Who are these people?" Haruka asked.

Benjamin inwardly bristled, but kept it off his face with ease. He knew right away that he was going to have issues with this person. I get that she’s used to operating solo, thought Ben to himself, but going around like a cock with its tail up in the air like that? Oh hell no.

Rob tapped his own head lightly in an 'oops' fashion. "Where are my manners? Haruka Ten'oh, Michiru Kaioh, this is my friend and colleague, Benjaman Rhodes."

"Miz Ten'oh," said Ben with the perfunctory coolness that only an offended Aspie trying to remain polite was capable of. "Miz Kaioh."

"Good afternoon."

"And the young lady is Captain Teletha Testarossa, commanding officer of MITHRIL's submersible carrier Tuatha De Danaan."

"My friends call me Tessa." She bowed to Haruka and Michiru, who bowed in return. "And I would very much like it if you would consider me to be your friend, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune."

Haruka nodded. "So we all know each other now. What's a submarine captain doing here?"

Ben’s eyes narrowed marginally, but if anyone noticed, they were keeping it to themselves.

Before Tessa could reply, Rob said, "I've asked her, as an experienced military commander, to take charge of our mission."

"And I accepted," said Teletha. "Although at this point, my captaincy is a technicality; without MITHRIL or my ship, there’s not much point to the title. However, my expertise is still viable."

Haruka frowned. "I'll make my question more clear. What qualifies a submarine captain to take charge of an attack on the ground?"

Urge to lash out: rising, thought Ben angrily to himself, but he stayed quiet. Tessa was a big girl, after all. She could take care of herself. And he saw the subtle signs that Rob was reacting the same way that he was.

"Miz Ten’oh, saying that I’m just a submarine skipper is a gross understatement. I command covert amphibious assault forces of mixed units that include ground troops, assault aircraft, and machines that you may know as ‘mecha’. I assure you that I have commanded many ground operations in the past, most of them similar in type but larger in scale than the one we are about to undertake."

"I can show you the anime of some of those missions, if you'd like," added Rob. With a bit of ice in his words, he added, "Just like I can show Ms. Testarossa anime footage of your actions against the Witches 5."

Tessa and Michiru both quickly replied, "That won't be necessary" - Tessa in a mater-of-fact tone, Michiru is a slightly-annoyed tone. Tessa continued, "Sasami-chan told me about that anime already. I think that I can work with Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune."

"As long as you don't try to tell us what to do when we're on the spot and you aren't," replied Haruka.

Rob glared at Haruka. "If you aren't willing to follow orders, you're out and we do this without you."

"That’s enough, everyone," said Ben sharply, cutting everyone else off and drawing all eyes to him, as he had yet to make any contributions to the discussion. "Evidently, some people here think that they’re the ones in charge. Please allow me to disabuse you of that notion. This operation is not simply sanctioned, it has been ordered. The sluagh represent a clear and present threat to the residents in Rob’s care. Careful planning and consideration has been given to this mission. We had our reasons for setting it later in the spring - the sluagh thrive on death and cold, and spring time is the very antithesis to their existence. It is when they are at their weakest. However, the only reason Lord Phantomhive has moved up the time table is because you two, for lack of better wording, can’t keep it in your goddamned pants!"

"Mr. Rhodes!" cried out Tessa in shock as Michiru covered her mouth in shock at the sheer vulgarity and Haruka bristled at the implied insult. Even Rob was taken aback - anything he had been about to say paled in comparison to the vitriol Ben just brought to bear. But what was even more galling is that, metaphors aside, it was the truth of the matter.

"I’m sorry, Captain," said Ben tersely, "but it needs to be said." He then turned back to Haruka and Michiru. "Understand this. Rob Donaldson holds executive authority here. However, I am actually present not only as a tactical planner, I’m also a last resort weapon and Lord Ciel Phantomhive’s own personal oversight. Which means that if I see something that I do not like, I can shit-can this whole damn dog and pony show. And if you two press the matter, then you need to know this:

"I am an anti-mage. I am the absolutely most perfect weapon to be fielded against the likes of you two. When I power up, magic in my vicinity goes bye-bye, and that includes empowerments like yours. I am capable of severing your connection to your source of power. And I have the firepower to back it up as well: one whole microgram of antimatter reagent, ready to go at a moment’s notice, right here in my chest. I’m a human anti-positron cannon rated at one-hundred-eighty gigawatts at maximum output. So, if you stand against me? You won’t even have a snowball’s chance in hell.

"Finally, this is an official warning from the Daimakaichou herself, and it is on record: You two are on fucking dangerously thin ice. Who do you report to? Who do you notify about your actions? Do you even bother to? Get it straight: Your actions have consequences. This isn’t the world you came from. There are other operators here who are ostensibly on your side. And that means there are people here who can and will suffer if you pull some stunt that fucks with someone else’s carefully laid plans.

"That said: find an apartment manager to live with. There are plenty of us - if you don't like Rob, talk with Terry in Montreal instead. The only thing we’re asking is that you don’t go and do something without telling us first. We may know something that could save your lives, or we might already have something brewing and your actions can make it all blow up in our faces.

"Do you two understand me?"

"... very much so, Mister Rhodes," said Haruka stiffly.

"Good," said Ben as the tension began to drain out of him. "Don’t get the wrong idea about me. I hate being angry like that. But I have people that are dearly precious to me in ways you cannot even comprehend. And if something happened to them… let’s just say it won’t be pretty and leave it at that."

"Well," said Rob. "That takes care of everything I had to say."

Teletha sighed as she turned to Haruka. "And I apologize for Ben’s choice of words. But his core points are valid ones. Can you work with the team?"

Haruka and Michiru looked to Ben, and found him giving the intense stare that made many reconsider confronting the man for any reason. The look in his eyes carried an unspoken message: choose your words wisely.

"I only have one question," said Haruka. "If Benjamin is on the tactical planning team, then what are his qualifications?"

"That is a fair question," said Teletha. "But I can easily say that you can lay your worries to rest. As Benjamin said, Robert has executive authority here. But Benjamin’s primary role as a member of the planning team is to watch for opportunities and weaknesses. And he excels at this very much so. His mind is well suited to looking for ways to change the circumstances of the scenario. In essence, he does not play by the standard rules. He cheats, though any military planner worth their salt will tell you there’s no such thing as cheating in war. And I know this because I have tested him myself, both with essays on hypothetical scenarios, and wargame simulations. As an auxiliary planner, you can ask for no better than him. I myself dearly wish that I could take him back with me when we all go home."

But I can’t, thought Teletha ruefully to herself. Not after what I did to him. Giving him thoughts of something so tantalizing and then denying him right away. Only because I can’t let go of Sousuke. I’m no better than that whore my mother turned out to be. The fruit really doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?

For Haruka’s part, she dared to look at Benjamin once more and felt a shock to her system as a memory that had never been there before was stirred. A man in dark armor, standing beside the Princess and Guardian of Mars with a fearsome look in his eyes. And holding his hand was the Guardian of Saturn herself - the Messiah of Silence.

Haruka’s blood ran cold, but she hid it well. She only wondered if Michiru had seen the same thing. Looking to her partner... yes. The look in her eyes spoke volumes. There was something incredibly wrong about this man named Benjamin. But they didn’t dare call attention to it.

"Very well then," said Haruka. "Provisionally, I’ll say that we will work with you. But I still want to meet the others that will be with us on the battle field."

"That's fair," Rob replied.

Just then, the common room's door opened. "Sorry I'm late! The school bus had some trouble. Oh, hi Haruka, hi Tessa, hi Ben! Did I miss anything?"

"Come on in, Usagi," Rob said. "Hi Makoto. And all you missed was us exchanging ... pleasantries."

Both girls had a good idea what Rob was talking about - they both winced. Then Makoto headed for the kitchen as everyone else sat down around one of the larger tables, where everyone could see the big-screen monitor that was displaying a crude map of the Unseelie stronghold as best as Jacky and Kate could remember it. Only Usagi didn't notice that Ben and Haruka sat at opposite ends of the table.

In the kitchen, Makoto did her best to listen in on the conversation going on one room over, while she made a snack for everyone else... but nobody was speaking loudly enough for her to overhear them. But finally the coffee and sandwiches were ready. Bringing in a tray, she heard Tessa saying, "No, Usagi."

"Their abilities would be very useful."

"They have no real combat experience, and they're children. We're not going to involve Sakura and Shaoran in this."

"But you'll involve Nanoha and Fate."

"They already have combat experience."

Makoto smiled and put the tray down on the table, being careful not to move any of the papers or computers already there but deliberately getting in the way of the big monitor. "Coffee, anyone?"

"Thanks, Mako-chan!" Usagi answered.

"Yes, than you, Ms. Kino," Tessa added. "But we do need to see the screen that's behind you."

Makoto took the hint. "I'll just leave this here, then."

Tessa turned back to Usagi. "We aren't involving Sakura and Shaoran for the same reason we aren't involving River."

"Oh. I guess we should protect them, too."

Rob nodded as Makoto left the common room.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 13, 2016
6:41PM ET

Michiru had left a half-hour ago to lead her second rede. Rob had sent everybody else who wasn't part of the planning group to the closest pizza place that had tables - which happened to be one of the better pizza places in town. He, Usagi, Haruka, Ben, Tessa, Mii, and Kazari were the only ones left in the common room - and they had covered every table with notes, except for one table with two extra-large pizzas and a dozen sodas.

Mii was two slices ahead of everyone else. "Unless you're going to rent a bus, we need some teleportation ability that has a longer range and a higher weight limit than what Kuroko can manage."

"I know just the person," Ben replied. "Some of Fate's friends showed up in Philadelphia a few days ago - including Yuuno."

Rob whistled. "If he'll agree, he's perfect."

The other five asked in unison, "Who's Yuuno?"

"Yuuno Scrya, from Nanoha and Fate's home univ- ah, reality," replied Rob, catching himself as to the what correct term was just as he was making the mistake. "He's possibly the most skilled teleport-mage in existence."

"Would he be willing to help us?" Tessa asked.

"There's only one way to find out," Rob replied.

Kazari nodded, turned to her computer, and launched her videoconferencing program. As she explained to Yuuno what they were planning, the others continued reviewing the list.

Some decisions - including sending all of the Sailor Senshi in with the reinforcing team that would be sent in after the first team was captured - were agreed to without discussion. Others took some persuading, around slices of pizza and cans of soda. And there was the occasional proposal that was shot down before it could take off.

"You don't want Ayeka."

"Why not?" Rob asked Ben. "I know she's a decent fighter, if the second OAV series is anything to go by."

Ben sighed. "Sorry. You don't want Ayeka as a unit commander. She's green. Really green. She didn't wait around long after Yosho disappeared to go looking for him, and this was shortly after she was bonded to her tree. Most of that time period she spent in suspended animation to preserve her appearance. She's got enough training to hold her own in a fight, but she's no military officer."

Rob frowned, then nodded. "I see your point. If not Ayeka, then who? Nanoha's too young."

"Noike," Tessa suggested. "She has an actual combat record and is a veteran of the Galaxy Police."

Ben added, "She's got the actual chops you'd need for a commander of an advanced unit."

"You may have a point there." Rob grinned. "The thing is, I can't see Ayeka taking orders from anybody, not even Noike. That's why I thought of her as a commander."

"You don't need to worry about that." replied Ben. "Noike is able to get both Ayeka and Ryoko to both do their share of household chores. Reliably and consistently. This is why Noike will have the position of First Wife in Tenchi's household - she can ride herd on that nuthouse and get the results she wants, no matter what. Remember that this is the protege of The Devil Princess of Jurai we're talking about here. Ayeka will follow Noike, and she will do so without questioning her orders." Haruka glared at Ben, but said nothing.

"Noike it is, then," Tessa announced. "Now, who do we want to have in reserve?"

Usagi looked puzzled. "Reserve?"

"Forces that we can deploy wherever they're needed, to exploit an enemy's weakness or get rid of our own," Tessa explained.

"I keep telling you about the idea of reserves after every fight the Senshi get into here," added Mii as she grabbed another slice of pizza.

Usagi smiled in understanding. "Oh, that! Maybe Mikoto's sisters would be interested."

Ben nodded - Usagi has made a good suggestion, and needed to be encouraged to make more of them. "Good idea. Let's ask all of them to take part."

"Except for Last Order. If Sakura's too young, so is she," Rob pointed out.

"Right. And speaking of the clones, I have some toys for them..."

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 13, 2016
8:22PM ET

Usagi had dragged Haruka off to meet Hyoga, so neither of the Senshi were present when Rob asked, "Ben, Mii, would you be willing to satisfy my curiosity?"

"About what?" Mii asked.

"Ben's anti-magic ability. How well, if at all, does it work against espers?"

Tessa raised an eyebrow. "That's a good question, Mr. Donaldson. And it assumes that all espers have the same power source."

"We probably do," Mii replied. "We do receive the same training and the same treatments to unlock our Skills, after all."

"And not all of Academy City's espers work for Judgment," Ben pointed out. "Sure, I'll give it a try. What do you want me to do?"

"Just turn on your field and we'll find out whether Mii can see what's in my pocket." Seeing the hints of an impish grin beginning to form on her face, Rob quickly added, "My shirt pocket."

"Okay, I'll make the field about... three meters in radius... and I'll make it Rank C on the Midchildan scale... That should be about Level 3 on the Academy City scale. If this works on esper abilities the same way it works on magic, then it should start to taper off in effectiveness the closer you get until you're standing right next to me. And at that point it should go completely kaput."

Ben concentrated... and Mii dropped to her knees. "Ow... can't concentrate..." They also heard a thud from the floor above them.

"Who lives up there?" asked Tessa as Ben quickly shut off his anti-magic field.

"Kuroko," replied Rob as he dashed out the door.

Four minutes, he was back, supporting a still-groggy Kuroko with one arm. "Who brought a Capacity Down system in here? I could barely teleport a pencil."

Rob looked at Ben, and commented, "At least now we know what your field does to espers. I know it was my idea to run the test, but please don't do that again."

Highway 416, between Ottawa and Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
December 14, 2016
8:08AM ET

"What an asshole."

"Which one?" Michiru asked with a yawn - she'd been up all night leading her second rede, after all.

"All three of them, but Rhodes in particular. What gives him the right to lecture us when he's never fought a daimon, or a ..." She finally remembered the name, "a sluagh, or anything else that isn't human?"

"You told me that it isn't good to get so worked up while you're driving. And Usagi likes them."

"Our neo-princess likes everybody. That doesn't mean I have to."

"Oh, I agree. As long as you like me, and I like you, it doesn't really matter who else likes who else, does it?"

"You and me against the world? I can live with that."
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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[IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 03-23-2021, 06:54 PM
We're Putting the Team Together! - by robkelk - 04-03-2021, 09:14 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 04-03-2021, 09:15 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 05-02-2021, 05:34 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 07-10-2021, 04:00 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 08-14-2021, 05:48 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 08-14-2021, 05:50 PM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] The Big Raid - by robkelk - 08-14-2021, 05:51 PM

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