Okay, Biden's been in office for awhile, and as the guy who admitted he preferred Trump, I'm kinda "okay, could've been worse".
If anything, as much as I liked Trump, I was getting TIRED of the fact a day didn't go by without Trump causing some sort of political grenade to go off. Ironically, Biden has the same problem Trump does, lack of filter on what they say, but at least Biden has admitted it and isn't posting every brain fart to social media either. He might be a "gaffe machine", by his own admission, but that alone makes Biden tolerable in the sense I'm not seeing social media on fire half as much.
If anything, as much as I liked Trump, I was getting TIRED of the fact a day didn't go by without Trump causing some sort of political grenade to go off. Ironically, Biden has the same problem Trump does, lack of filter on what they say, but at least Biden has admitted it and isn't posting every brain fart to social media either. He might be a "gaffe machine", by his own admission, but that alone makes Biden tolerable in the sense I'm not seeing social media on fire half as much.