(04-11-2021, 05:24 PM)robkelk Wrote: I just got a self-serving and frankly insulting email from InterestingPerson. Since we've all agreed that he's used up his three strikes, I'm rebanning him with no email access.
Quote:User:InterestingPerson has admitted to being User:Xandermartin98. Despite his admission of ban evasion, he continues to email users here - not to plead his case, but to insult other people. This is completely shameless behavior. It ends now.
If you want to share it with others, I suggest doing so privately. Man is an absolute attention whore who wants people talking about the garbage he pulls, it gets him off. Unless he does something of imminent civil/criminal importance that it is legally advisable to share publicly so there is public proof that can't be disappeared behind closed doors, then I say we otherwise deny this guy the attention he desperately craves. Apparently, his M.O. on all other sites that have kicked him to the curb is to feed off any attention, no matter how negative. I have no intention myself of doing so, and I strongly advise we make it official policy here and on ATT, barring the above-mentioned exception, he is to be denied public acknowledgment of any sort, and his deviance/potential further ban evasion is to be removed with as little fanfare or notice as possible.