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Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah!
RE: Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah!
Looks like Coeur Al'Aran's Relic of the Future has tipped over the million words mark with today's update. That's the one with a bad-end-survivor Jaune sent back in time by Salem for her own reasons.

The PJO crossover Harry Potter, Squatter got an update yesterday, which is probably a few since the last mention.

Beware of Chicken has continued it's three or four days a week schedule in the usual places, and the QQ thread got a very NSFW (non-canon, "yet") guest interlewd overnight. NSFW link is Not Safe For Work.

Volume Two has been progressing nicely, of course, with slices of Jin and Mei's married life and the animals' development, though the main focus appears to be Cai Xiulan's progress from (at least a facade of) Standard Young Mistress/Frosty Beauty N+1 to Jin's style of enlightenment, without losing her drive to continue advancing as a cultivator. Also, more from the plot thread of Jin's (honorary/adoptive) Gramps, actually one of the setting's top badasses, getting back in contact via the sect Jin left back at the beginning, since he took the time to do so honorably according to their established procedures instead of just doing a runner.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah! - by classicdrogn - 05-01-2021, 02:55 PM

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