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[OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
Drosselmeyer has been on my mind on-and-off for a while now, and after a bit of research I've come to a rather interesting idea.

He is actually appalled by my character's past.  Reason being?  Well, even his most villainous characters - the ones that actually have any real development that is - had been raised knowing that they are valued by someone.  Even if instilling that sense of self-worth into them was merely a means to an end.  The idea of someone being raised to have no sense of worth to others is just plain messed up, even by his standards.

Thus, the whole thing with Nanoha and Fate was Drosselmeyer throwing Benjamin a bone... albeit in a way that would be scandalous and set them all to walking on eggshells.  After all, Benjamin's story was already a tragedy to begin with.  Making it even more so...

Yeah, he likes writing tragedies.  But that's the thing.  He's still a writer.  He crafts stories.  And he knows that starting out with an exposition like that and having it only get worse from there?  To continue to pull the rug out from under Benjamin at every turn until he no longer wants to get up?  When he's already so dangerously close to that point?  No, that is no story.  That's not even a parable simply because there is no point to that kind of suffering.

Which means he'll be kinda pissed off with Leonard's meddling, even as drama-inducing as it is.  And thus, we have Benjamin rolling a whole slew of Nat 20s as he completely obliterates the AMALGAM forces sent to take them out.  This would be Drosselmeyer's way of getting back at the "insolent little whelp."


Messages In This Thread
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Seventh Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by Black Aeronaut - 06-14-2021, 03:15 AM
RE: [IC][Story][Arc 1] Arrivals - by Norgarth - 02-13-2022, 05:08 PM

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