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Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah!
RE: Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah!
Proud Parents (Potter), chapter 28

Unintended Consequences (Potter), chapter 11

Hogwarts: An Escalation (Potter/Worm) has some new apocrypha

Doing It Right This Time (Evangelion, everyone!Peggy Sue) has a new interlude

(And may I just say "Argh!" here? My browser just locked up and needed a Task Manager kill + restart... and for like the first time ever lost half my open windows. The ones I wanted most weren't even in the history. Argh!)
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fic Updates For de Sicks: I gotcher healin' right heah! - by Bob Schroeck - 08-09-2021, 06:24 PM

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