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Wear Your Mask - COVID-19 Thread II
RE: Wear Your Mask - COVID-19 Thread II
Everyone has the right to swing their fists around freely until those fists start intersecting with faces and, metaphorically, I can feel their knuckles on my nose.

By refusing to vaccinate, isolate or take other basic precations such as wearing masks and minimizing contact with other people these anti-vaxxers are endangering not only themselves, but everyone around them and the people further steps away. At that point they are not a quaint and curious group that is mostly harmless, but an ongoing threat to the health and well being of the rest of the population as well.

I have a good friend who has a bum immune system. They're vaccinated, but because of that they have to continue to live like a sensible unvaccinated person until herd immunity can be reached - minimal close contacts, masks every time they leave their apartment, the works. I'd like to see them again sometime before 2023 but if we keep getting exciting new variants transmitted by a sizable unvaccinated minority, that's not going to happen.

I'd much rather these deniers changed behaviours than die, but this behaviour risks my friends, my family, my livelyhood and my neighbourhood and really just needs to stop.
-Now available with copious trivia!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Wear Your Mask - COVID-19 Thread II - by nocarename - 09-05-2021, 12:14 AM
RE: Wear Your Mask - COVID-19 Thread II - by aku - 01-06-2022, 10:06 AM

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