Quote: robkelk
(EDIT: No, we aren't waiting for Arc 2 for Steampunk. The Counter-Earths are currently listed as being High Fantasy, Post-Apocalypse, Cyberpunk, Shiny-Happy, and Four-Color Metahumans... although the only ones we've mentioned wanting to do something with so far are High Fantasy (Lodoss/Rune Soldier Louie) and Shiny-Happy (Starfleet).)
hmm, what would fit in some of those worlds...
the Four-Colour Metahumans would likely cover Marvel and DC, as well as stuff like The Tick, My Hero Academea, and the various smaller superhero comic universes, Mystery Men movie, Project A-Ko?
Post-apoc would include Mad Max, Fallout, Fist of the Northstar, possibly future Terminator, Planet of the Apes?
Cyberpunk: Bladerunner, the Tekwar novels/TV series, Johnny Mnenomic, Bubblegum Crisis