(01-09-2022, 02:52 PM)robkelk Wrote: Besides, at least one name we did get was a rather lazy choice...
"I am Venus, code-named 'Venus'!"
"Yeah... Sometimes I think Mom hates me."
Pfffft. It took me a while to figure out what exactly that meant.
At which point, Benjamin would laugh and hug the stuffin's out of his niece.
"V? Sweatheart? Stardust? It's not that your mother hates you. In fact, she loves you so very much that it can heartbreaking for her sometimes."
"But... then why name me something so corny?"
*Sighs* "V, gonna let you in on something a lot of people don't realize about your mom, and mainly because they all just chalk it up to Mina-chan being Mina-chan. Your mom?" And here, Benjamin leaned down and whispered it into Venus's ear. "She never grew out of her Chunibiyo-Phase!"
Venus's eyes went blank. It was like a blue screen of death moment, except that Benjamin could tell that she was going through ever single living memory she had of her mother, and even some of ones the got second-hand through the stories she had heard from her aunties.
Finally, after seveal minutes, Venus finally and slowly blinked. "Oh. My. GODDESS. YOU'RE RIGHT! Mom really is Chuni!" She then blinked again as she thought of something else. "Uncle B... How often do my cousins say you're one scary dude?"
Ben chuckled wryly. "Trust me, Stardust. It ain't just your cousins. Or even just the bad guys for that matter..."