Deadpan29 Wrote:Origin Story (Xander dresses as Powergirl for Halloween and ends up in the Marvel Universe) has been well written but has also been something of a Hate Fic directed at the Marvel Civil War story arc. The most recent chapter was also an Author Tract on what horrible people George Bush and Dick Cheney are, to the point that mods at Twisting the Hellmouth felt that it crossed a line. After a few days of drama, the author has removed his stories from TtH but they can still be found at
Not surprising. The guy reads another along the lines of Perfect Lionheart, where he's chock full of in-your-face-fsck-you opinions, as read in his FFN profile/. I've been following Origin Story because I find it both fascinating and horrifying.
I *hated* Civil War and I think he goes over the line.
Although his tirade on what happened on TTH is pure PL.