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[OOC][PLOT][ARC 1] Planning for Season 1 - The Retcon
[OOC][PLOT][ARC 1] Planning for Season 1 - The Retcon
So here we are!

In our conversation after I made my decision to leave TNB, it looks like some of the biggest changes are going to be in the Halloween Story, which will likely be a total rewrite, as well as the complete removal of the residences in San Antonio as there will be no one who feels up to the task of writing that setting but me.

Which means we're gonna have to shuffle some displacees around.

We're letting Inquisitive Raven have first dibs on the Lyrical Nanoha characters.  Regardless of if she wants to write them or not, they'll likely be placed into that NPC residence so as to be used as open characters.

The Evangelion Crew will all likely go to Douglas Gardens, as it is canonical that Rei, Asuka, and Shinji are all talented young musicians.  And given what they went through, all of them, probably even Asuka, too, will likely appreciate being in an environment that's nowhere nearly as "exciting" as Tokyo-III was.

Having Misato, Kaji, and Ritsuko around over there will probably be for the best, anyhow.  Someone has to ride herd on the Gorillaz, after all, and they'll need someone with extensive medical knowledge to handle some of the absurd injuries they're bound to incur.  (Except for Noodle, but Noodle is just plain bad-ass like that.)

Hotaru and Setsuna can probably arrive with Haruka and Michiru.  Setsuna being comatose throughout Season 1 will make these two understandably twitchy, secretive, and prone to falling back into bad habits.  Bonus points if it becomes something Hotaru scolds them for, which will have a hell of a lot more impact coming from her than if such a scolding came from Usagi.

The FMP crew...  No idea.  This could be a chance to include the Tuatha de Danaan - life is always so much better with a stealth amphibious assault submarine.  Maybe somewhere in LA?  San Diego?  Or how about the Puget Sound?

No, wait.  Throw them in with the Hanagumi.  Kohbu are about the same scale as Arm Slaves, after all.  They'll fit right in~.  (Seriously.  Imagine Teletha butting heads with Li Koran over Magic vs Lambda Driver.)

Tenchi and Company...  No idea for sure, either.  But the Puget Sound seems like a better fit for them.  Plenty of room, similar climate to Okayama (but no snow during Winter).  The Serenity and her crew will probably need to go with them, because Washu's Lab is the only thing we got that can accommodate a ship like that.

The Puella Magi...  It might be better to place them with the Lyrical Nanoha contingent.  If nothing else, the TSAB people might be able to come up with a stop-gap measure for dealing with corruption in soul gems.

Not gonna cover the characters from RWBY because we haven't really done much with them.  Except for a name-drop in one of Rob's stories that was gonna get axed anyhow because I hadn't brought them in yet.  Also there was the Night at Callahan's recap, but that was gonna get rewritten anyhow.

That's all I can think of - I hope I'm not forgetting anyone.

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[OOC][PLOT][ARC 1] Planning for Season 1 - The Retcon - by Black Aeronaut - 05-18-2022, 10:50 PM

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