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Fuck. My. Life. (Nothin' to to do with TNB)
RE: Fuck. My. Life. (Nothin' to to do with TNB)
The outside unit is up on the roof.  On a building that's three or four stories tall.  In order to have "eyes" watching up there, I'd have to set it up somewhere out in the middle of the courtyard.  Which means it'd have to be an expensive wireless setup.  And we have little kids around here with extremely little discipline.  (Not that they aren't likeable in most cases, just that the laissez-faire parenting runs rampant around here.)

And that's to say nothing about this place being ghetto as fuck.  There was one instance where we had some fucker breaking into just about every car on the back row of the parking lot here.  The only vehicles he avoided were the ones that obviously had theft deterrent systems installed, like my 2013 Jetta which was parked in that row.  He got caught only because the people in the apartment complex next door saw him doing his thing and, knowing he'd still be at it by the time they got there, called the police.

Our Suburban was one of the vehicles he broke into, so we wound up having to do a lot of repair work - not only to fix what this ass hole broke, but also the "work" of a previous owner that tried to turn the thing into a cut-rate ghetto-blaster of a show car.

(This was the one where I mentioned that the dumb-ass who must have thought of himself as an "eelektrukul enjuneer" wired the stereo amp into the power supply for the trailer brakes instead of rigging a dedicated power supply like you're supposed to for stereo amps. And we're still trying to track down all the gremlins in the electrical system thanks to this retard.)

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RE: Fuck. My. Life. (Nothin' to to do with TNB) - by Black Aeronaut - 05-30-2022, 04:15 PM

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