A Code of Her Own has posted seven chapters out of an announced 16.
Quote:Two women — one Jedi, one Sith — are cut off from the Force, endure imprisonment and shared trauma, and must overcome their distrust of each other in order to overcome their powerful captor. Along the way, they fall in love. (late Prequel era)
Years later, a young Force-sensitive woman, hoping to rescue her brother from the Empire, finds and tries to enlist the aid and teaching of the Jedi, who relies on a caregiver. She is unaware of the Jedi's traumatic past, the magnitude of the path before them, and the price they would have to pay. (Original series era)
A tale told in two converging storylines, separated by time-frame.
This is a novel-length work, and while it will be released one chapter per week for 15 weeks, it has been completed by the author. The characters are all original characters (no self-insert characters), but with cameos and flashbacks / mentions of canon characters to contextualize the story within the larger SW universe and Prequel / late Galactic Empire era. Although there are no graphic depictions, there are occasionally some mature subjects that some may find triggery. No explicit sexual depictions, but relationships and intimacy are a part of the story.