In chronological order of posting: A Code of Her Own (SW OCs).
A Thing of Vikings (HTTYD/history) with the last chapter of Book IV!
Hollywood Special (Gorillaz/Powerpuff Girls)
Quote:NOW: It's a suicide mission and the tension is already growing strained between them, but Rana, Mercie, Alack and Ralock have to return to the Star Destroyer they had just escaped from. The fate of the galaxy could be at stake.
THEN: A brief memory of the night before their escape: the prisoners shared an interlude, and a newfound optimism.
A Thing of Vikings (HTTYD/history) with the last chapter of Book IV!
From Aesir To Yggdrasil: A Norse Primer Wrote:In the Norse religion, Forseti is the god of justice, mediation, and reconciliation; the son of Baldur and Nanna, he dispenses justice and rulings from Glitnir , his father’s hall, which is roofed with silver and has columns of gold, and is noted to be visible for some distance with radiant light. Prior to the Norse Reformation, Forseti was a minor deity, attested to in only a few extant sources and works, mostly focused on his position as his father’s son. In the canon of the Reformed Norse, he has an expanded role and position, with an entire saga detailing his efforts…
Hollywood Special (Gorillaz/Powerpuff Girls)
Katzedecimal Wrote:Geshe looked up from his deep thought. “Tronyer Chenma removes subtle obstacles from misleading influences.”
“She did do that,” 2D agreed, “It felt like she was offering me a choice between, well, I thought it was a dream and my reality, but I guess it was really two realities? Murdoc drugged me pretty hard though. I guess those were the misleading influences.”
“Two realities…” Geshe rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Snake shot him a Look, “Yeah. Know anything about that? And HIM?”