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My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14
RE: My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14
(09-06-2023, 03:56 PM)Inquisitive Raven Wrote:
Brianna di Monda for Lapham's Quarterly Wrote:Aleister Crowley, born into wealth in 1875 as the only child of Christian fundamentalists, grew up attending private school in Cambridge.

I think that bit is sufficient to explain a great deal about him. That's an excessively long teenage rebellion.

I think that's only enough to explain the initial rebellion, not the whole course of life.  C. S. Lewis had a priest for a grandfather and a bishop for a great-grandfather, and only briefly went to pagan Celtic mysticism (he was a big fan of W. B. Yeats), before becoming an atheist after the war.  And then, of course, he converted back to Christianity, finally being forced to admit to himself that he felt the presence of the divine.

Crowley feels the divine very differently, but he definitely feels it.  He's not even sure who or what Aiwass is.  There is definitely a part of Crowley that take fun in being transgressive, but his transgression is also purposeful.  The transgression is in itself magickal.
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RE: My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14 - by Labster - 09-06-2023, 05:18 PM

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