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Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation
Not too long ago, someone here (I'm pretty suire it was here) mentioned the Raildex SI A Certain Mental Issekai (SB threadmarks link) and I started reading it, though I haven't gotten too far due oto other distractions. Well, apparently Alivaril took an interest in it recently also, as she's started a new fork of Sanctioned set there. (SV threadmarks link)

It's typical Alivaril fare: high technical quality, a surface of humor and slice of life fueled byu various miscommunication and blue/orange morality on the part of the QA-insert's nature as a (tramatized) alien supercomputer trying badly to cosplay as human and maintain secrecy about several assumed things that are mostly entirely absent from the setting and irrelevant, lots of adorable woobie-destroyer-of-worlds hijinx, so if you've read any previous Sanctioned material you know roughly what to expect. One of the thread commenters did add that they liked this one where the last two or three forks had not appealed, so even if you didn't like other iterations it may be worth at least a few chapters worth of a look. THere's only five at the moment, but it's only been posted in its own thread for a week, so even if that's only two new ones still not a bad rate of updates.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Fanfic Recommendations: The Next Generation - by classicdrogn - 10-20-2023, 11:20 PM

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