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My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14
RE: My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14
Has anyone else seen Our Home's Fox Deity.? (The period is part of the title.) If you haven't, go find a copy. I'm thinking of adding the show to Refuge -- maybe as the first displacee group in the often-hypothesized Saskatoon residence -- but I want to clear it with the other writers first because of a few of the characters.

The show's premise, for folks who haven't seen it: The younger brother of a clan head has strong mystical potential, but no skills, so the older brother decides to allow a tenko (think "kitsune on the way to becoming a kami") to protect him. The tenko and the clan's guardian (who dresses like a miko) move to the big city in order to do this, and slice-of-life/comedy/action ensues.

The characters that I'm worried about include... some major spoilers, so into a spoiler block they go:
Are they too powerful for Refuge?
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors

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RE: My Apartment Manager is not a Planning Thread, #14 - by robkelk - 03-29-2024, 01:45 PM

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