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Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
Due to circumstances beyond the author's control (but not, as I understand it, unwelcome to him), A Thing of Vikings (HTTYD/Disney's Mulan/the 11th century) will be moving to a fortnightly schedule for the likely future, effective with this week's bumper number, Faith Manages.

House Fairhair And The Grand Thing, Oslo, Norway, 1667, Wrote:Religious tolerance in the North Sea Empire has always been a contentious, even fraught topic, especially as many conflicts were expressly religious in nature, even though they were political or imperialist in motivation. Due to explicit legal guarantees for freedom of religious practice, such issues quickly became the domain of legal suits and countersuits.

The general legal framework that was imposed in the early decades of the Empire to determine religious coercion was the “Godafoss test”, named for the waterfall in Iceland where Norse idols were thrown in when the island formally converted to Christianity in AD 1000. The reason the island converted was that the Christian lords threatened a ruinous civil war that would likely destroy much of civilization on the island if their fellow pagan Icelanders did not convert. The Godafoss test, then, is a legal test intended to evaluate if a given religious conversion incentive is unlawful, based on threat of force, use of force, or other threat to a person’s health. In general, the test allowed for positive incentives to attempt to persuade others to convert, but not negative incentives. For instance, a missionary could not distribute food on the condition that those receiving the food must listen to them proselytize, but could freely distribute food and speak of their god to those who wish to learn about their religious practice.

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RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor! - by Mamorien - 07-14-2024, 05:00 PM

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