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Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor!
In the Raptor's Claws: Earth, Romulus, and the War That Birthed the Federation (ST:E) Chapter 10: The Fall of Denobula Triaxa.

Dr. Zyn ch'Mordan Wrote:We depended on the Vulcans to defend us for two centuries. How could they let our cities burn? – Tullis-kahndaxx-oortann, Denobulan geneticist


On June 3, 2156, the Romulan fleet came into the outer sensor ranges of... T’Prel’s defense squadron.[fn27] Unlike the Tellarites, she was not fooled by bogus identify friend/foe codes. There was no way that this could be any kind of Vulcan fleet. The Itam’s (sensors) were unable to tell just how many ships were coming her way at this distance, but it was clearly more than her small force could handle. Two strains of logic entered into her brain at that time. On one hand, the cold calculus of military logic dictated that she trade space for time and abandon the Denobulans so that Vulcan strength could be preserved for the future. On the other hand, the logic of friendship and duty compelled her to do everything she could to prevent the depredation of Denobula at the hands of the Romulans. She chose the latter. Even if the defense she and her Vulcan squadron could muster was inadequate, the stain on their honor caused by abandoning Denobula to its fate was too great.[fn28] Anything she could kill in space was a one less thing the defenders on the ground would have to face.[fn29] However, if there was to be any hope of defending the planet, she would need to send one of her ships away from the battle to raise the alarm. The most logical choice for this duty was the Fourcas (the Denobulan ship attached to her squadron). She ordered the ship to proceed at maximum warp to Tellar Prime and rally its defenders here. When her captain, Blason-oovex-varatam, protested that he could not abandon his family when the fight was here, T’Prel told him that he and his crew were very likely to be the last free Denobulans anywhere in the quadrant. Blason would serve his people best by carrying that torch as long as they were able. This seemed to be enough for the Denobulan captain. The Fourcas warped away from Denobula, pursued by the Romulan battlecruiser Mace of D’Vak and two Dhael-class cruisers. It would be the last time any of the Fourcas’ crew would see Denobula Triaxa for four years.

Brotherhood of Glass: Episode Four (Steven Universe OC sidestory) Chapter Five: Cheap Imitation.

TheInkredibleKaptainKaiju Wrote:Daniel's intuition proves correct when a sinister mystery begins to take shape.

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RE: Fic Update Thread 54: Find a spot out on the floor! - by Mamorien - 08-09-2024, 09:53 PM

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