Slight digression... I am so tempted to update All The Tropes' Style Guide on the use of abbreviations with this text:
But, hey, if somebody says "MAGA" without context, feel free to ask "Why are you talking about the Mexican American Grocers Association?"
Quote:Don't use abbreviations. Be kind to the dozens if not hundreds of people who hear "MAGA" and do ''not'' immediately think of the now-defunct [ Mexican American Grocers Association] (and many of them think of the [ Minnesota Apple Growers Association] instead), and avoid abbreviations altogether.
But, hey, if somebody says "MAGA" without context, feel free to ask "Why are you talking about the Mexican American Grocers Association?"
Rob Kelk
Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
Rob Kelk
Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada