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Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
Threads of Destiny (the other OEX meat) 395 Recovery 3.

Yrsillar Wrote:"How is the sect doing?" Ling Qi asked.

"Oh, you know, they're digging in and chewing on their meal," Sixiang replied. "Attitudes are kinda mixed on that. Lotta folks want to keep pushing while the cloud tribes are on the back foot."

"But wiser heads prevail," Ling Qi concluded. "The ith…"

"Yeah, that's the big one. Your girl Suyin has been working her fingers off on purifiers. I'm worried she might try to graft on more."

Ling Qi furrowed her brow. The worst part was that she could not be certain that Sixiang was joking when it came to Suyin these days.

"Please tell her to stick with that skeleton puppet limb rig she was considering," Ling Qi finally said. "Or even better, get out of her lab and cultivate her use of the threads of her mantle."

Suyin stayed inside far too much and did not cultivate her body enough, even now.

Sixiang laughed. "I’ll pass the message. I expect the reply will be a passive aggressive 'The girl who chose to get turned into a log of charcoal doesn't get to lecture me on my health.'"

Ling Qi grumbled, flexing her bandaged fingers. This was this, and that was that.

"I would say I am sure Miss Li would not do anything foolish, but my cousin did have to be stopped from attempting to graft additional limbs to herself at that age, too," Bao Qian worried.

"... I will visit Suyin soon," Ling Qi decided.

"I think she's got an open evening in a few weeks. Want me to ask?" Sixiang offered.


"Miss Boneshaper will be fine. Gui thinks Big Sis is a worrywort." Her little brother tilted his head back to fix her with a very huffy look for a giant tortoise. "Big Sis needs to focus on her own health."

Even her sweet little brother was getting sassy with her. What was this world she had made?

Messages In This Thread
Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Norgarth - 08-16-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Mamorien - 08-19-2024, 04:51 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 08-21-2024, 02:55 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 09-16-2024, 06:49 AM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by NifT - 09-16-2024, 11:34 AM

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