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Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
(08-29-2024, 11:56 PM)Norgarth Wrote: Beware of Chicken (Original recipe)

Also at Royal Road: Dark Tide Rising.

Another OEX at RR is Threads of Destiny 398-Recovery 6.

Yrsillar Wrote:The comb tugged at the strands of her hair, causing a faint prickle on her scalp.

"You have gained another inch. An immortal body's vitality truly is unmatched," her mother, Ling Qingge, observed.

She was managing to sit up without support today. Though she could feel her focus and energy trickling away from the strain, it was a worthy effort. She sat on her bed beside her mother, hands folded in her lap as Mother tended to her hair. It had been many, many years since they had done this.

"I'm glad. I don't want to think how long it would take to grow my hair back, otherwise," Ling Qi said.

"Ah, there is another spark." Ling Qi winced as she felt her mother pat the flame-resistant damp cloth to her head, extinguishing it.

"You're taking it much better than the first time I was injured."

"My daughter has been teaching me to cultivate my nerves."

She bowed her head in acknowledgment of the mild rebuke. "The sparks are a good sign that the medicine is cleansing the fire qi from my channels."

"Indeed, so long as your head does not catch fire."

And, switching from one type of scholar to another, In the Raptor's Claws: Earth, Romulus, and the War that Birthed the Federation (ST:Ent) gives us Chapter 11 - Coridan: The Seizure of the Dilithium Fields!

Dr. Zyn ch'Mordan Wrote:Resources always attract empires – Seamus Devenish


When news of the calamities on Berengaria and Denobula reached the halls of power in the Coalition, many suspected that Coridan was likely to be the next target.[fn8] It was perhaps the most tempting target in the entire galaxy. It was good, then, that the Vulcans and Andorians had placed so many soldiers and so much materiel there to defend it. The Vulcans had placed a squadron of eleven top-of-the-line D’kyr-class cruisers in orbit and three full-strength divisions – nearly 150,000 Vulcans-at-arms – on the planet, under the overall command of Admiral K’Tar.[fn9] The Andorians, for their part, devoted eight Khyzon-class battlecruisers and 200,000 Andorians to defend the system, under the overall command of General Hol sh’Yara.[fn10] Notionally, the Vulcans commanded the space defenses and the Andorians commanded the ground defenses.[fn11] However, this cooperation was still new and quite untested. When this force was first constituted in March 2156, virtually every decision was subject to squabbling about strategic direction and tactical posture. Even something as seemingly simple as routine cargo ship inspections for contraband required hours of shouting and, more often than not, both the Andorians and Vulcans conducting independent, duplicative searches.[fn1]2 Even the question of “which party should make their search first?” was open to debate. Still, the joint Vulcan-Andorian-Coridanite forces had some successes in the early months of 2156. In April, the joint forces successfully captured the number-two man in the Purple Flame dissident group.[fn13] In May, they stopped a bombing by the Shining Sword religious zealots at the Nutaar Mining Consortium facility in the Bendacon Mountains on the western edge of Tessen, which could have killed thousands.[fn14] Unfortunately, there was little time to build on these successes, as they were quickly overshadowed by news of Romulan attacks in multiple systems all across the quadrant. Everyone knew it would only be a matter of time before the war reached Coridan.


Messages In This Thread
Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Norgarth - 08-16-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 08-21-2024, 02:55 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Mamorien - 08-30-2024, 05:55 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 09-16-2024, 06:49 AM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by NifT - 09-16-2024, 11:34 AM

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