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Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55
A Thing of Vikings (HTTYD/11th century history) Chapter 163: Consequences.

Quote:One of the core points of theology in the Reformed Norse is to be aware of the possible consequences of your actions. While this might seem fairly basic as a theological concept—aren’t we all aware that our actions have consequences?—the Norse take the concept further than most do. For most, the idea of consequences is simple—if you punch someone, they might punch back. But the Norse, as part of their theology, attempt to model and conceptualize how other people might react to their actions, both in the positive and in the negative, going off of the basic postulates of human behavior, including that everyone needs enough to survive and will act in accordance with that need first and foremost, so it is worthwhile to incentivize people into doing what they want to do, rather than simply assume they will cope or comply against their own interests.

Another related concept that the Norse explore is that of a twisted or perverse incentive, where people will attempt to manipulate the system to their benefit. The classic example cited by this in Norse texts is that of the ‘Jewish Ransoms’ of the first centuries after the Norse Reformation. As a fairly self-contained example, it is used in Norse instruction on a routine basis, and goes as follows.

In the immediate aftermath of the Jewish evacuations from Northern Francia, the newly rescued Jews, who were grateful to their rescuers and wished for other members of their far-flung community to reach safe harbor in the Kingdom of Berk, started a communal fund for Jewish immigration to the Kingdom. This fund was intended to help with the various expenses and costs associated with immigration, including transportation fees, legal costs, and so forth.

However, as the analysis in Norse concepts goes, the founders of this fund forgot one important detail. Quite simply, for all of the ill-treatment and discrimination that the Jews of Europa and elsewhere faced, which gave them significant incentive to pack up and move, for the places in which those Jews lived, the Jews still provided essential economic services to their host nations. While these were services which they were not compensated for, they still provided services in the form of moneylending, usury, tax collection, and other financial instruments, all of which were necessary for any economy that functioned above a barter system. Remove the Jews from a given kingdom, especially if their wealth left with them, and the local economies might well collapse, or at the very least undergo a recession.

So it did not take long at all before those kingdoms began to clamp down on freedom of movement for their Jewish populaces, with strict and limited supplies of exit visas, many of which had exorbitant costs associated with acquiring said visas. In essence, the effort to help these Jewish communities move to the North Sea Empire resulted in those communities being farmed for what amounted to ransoms in all but name, simply due to the incentives offered to the kingdoms who held them. And it is factors like these which the Reformed Norse point to as key to awareness of possible consequences.

—Divine Light Through The Gem Of Man: Studying The Many Facets Of The Holy, Waterford University Press, 1692


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Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Norgarth - 08-16-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 08-21-2024, 02:55 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by Mamorien - 09-08-2024, 04:57 PM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by aku - 09-16-2024, 06:49 AM
RE: Fic Update Thread: I can't drive 55 - by NifT - 09-16-2024, 11:34 AM

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