The fanfic author Becuzitswrong may have passed away according to a post in the Worm Fanfic reddit board ... ng_passed/
They were the author of several crossovers, including Railgun (Worm/A Certain Scientific Railgun) and Life's Ending, Life's Beginning (Stargate/Buffy), that have been included in the update lists.
(I Hope no one was tacky enough to make a fake posting about his passing, but this is the internet...)
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
- Albert Einstein ... ng_passed/
They were the author of several crossovers, including Railgun (Worm/A Certain Scientific Railgun) and Life's Ending, Life's Beginning (Stargate/Buffy), that have been included in the update lists.
(I Hope no one was tacky enough to make a fake posting about his passing, but this is the internet...)
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
- Albert Einstein