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Crossovers That Should Not Be 27 - three sets of three rules of three... stinkers
RE: Crossovers That Should Not Be 27 - three sets of three rules of three... stinkers
I am pretty sure I saw a uSpud's video thumbnail proclaiming that "Section 31" is Star Trek ala Game of Thrones, but I haven't kept up on the fandom to even know what that is. Well, the in-continuity S31 is Starfleet black ops, but that alone tells me enough to know a movie or show based on it is just going to be more of the same darker and edgier INNNN SPAAAACE! plus the inevitable social virtue signalling don e with Saturday morning cartoon villain level subtlety to cause maximum controversy because there's no such thing as bad publicity and hate-watching is still ratings views. When you're missing the bar TOS Trek set for 'Subtle" social commentary, you've really turbo-encabulated the neutron flux.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Crossovers That Should Not Be 27 - three sets of three rules of three... stinkers - by classicdrogn - 01-28-2025, 11:39 AM

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