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Fic Update Thread 57: Varieties of Fandom Experience
RE: Fic Update Thread 57: Varieties of Fandom Experience
Antediluvian (Soul Eater post-canon) Pt. IV: Monody, Chpt XII: Myriologue.

Femdjinn Wrote:Cam pulled his ID out of his computer and turned from his desk. Benni watched him for a moment before her eyes flickered over his office. It was one of only a handful of times she had been in the room, as he was typically bouncing through campus in pursuit of his menagerie of responsibilities.

It was a relatively spartan space, with a tall black filing cabinet squatting in the corner, a spider plant atop it. Several imitation Hoppers – New York Movie, Chop Suey, Manhattan Bridge Loop- on the walls alongside a couple of inert 1920s WCF revolvers. An navy rug with eggshell polka dots was on the floor, a bowl of hard candy sitting on the lip of his standing desk.

Her eyes were drawn to a photo on the desktop. It was a novel thing to see in their day and age; most frames were now digital, accepting memory cards and electronic pictures and videos, people able to swap them as the need or desire arose. This particular photo was unique because it had clearly been printed some time ago. It was fading at the edges and the colors mildly distorted, but overall it appeared to have faired the years well as it sat in its frame of plain dark oak. It depicted two people, an adult and a child.

The child was smiling broadly, exposing a missing tooth as they held aloft a writhing fish at the end of a line. They wore a pink shirt depicting a giraffe, their hair done up in two high pigtails with yellow bows, and their hazel eyes glinting at the camera. The adult seemed a bit too old to be their parent. The long hair that had been tossed into a braid was more grey than blonde, smile lines accenting their lips and creasing the edges of their bog-blue eyes.

Cam must've seen her study, answering her unspoken question as he pulled on his coat. “Me and my aunt. Well, Great Aunt, technically. She practically raised me.”

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RE: Fic Update Thread 57: Varieties of Fandom Experience - by Mamorien - Yesterday, 10:13 PM

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