Some conversation I saw on the Tranquility Press discord the other way comes into sharp relief as I discover that In the Raptor's Claws: Earth, Romulus, and the War that Birthed the Federation (ST backstory) has begun its third and final volume, Wings Swept Back (2158-2160), with Chapter 18, Asteroid Hopping: The Solomon Belt and Colonel Edison.
Dr. Zyn ch'Mordan Wrote:Intel found some Romulan news reports about us. They say the Devil Fish can only have been recruited from jails or insane asylums for their bloodlust! I’d say they got that one right! – Colonel Balthazar Edison
In the 22nd Century, the Solomon Belt lay on the edge of explored space. While it now forms one of the western tributaries to the vital Bolarus-to-Barolia trade corridor that forms the backbone of the Federation economy, at the time it was a relatively calm area of subspace that supported Tellarite traders plying their wares to the Andorian Empire.(fn1) In between lay several warp-capable civilizations that had not yet expanded beyond their home systems. Some of these worlds – like Tarkalea and Benzar – had remained largely neutral to this point.(fn2) The Tarkaleans lacked for little at this point, having developed an early version of matter replication technology in the early 2150s. The Benzites had little use for off-world trade. Very few goods or foodstuffs could survive the heavily chlorinated atmosphere of Benzar. Moreover, it would be the better part of a century before they developed the diffusion rebreather technology that would allow them to survive in the standard nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of most Minshara-class worlds. Before that, few Benzites left their world; those that did could only do so wearing sealed suits.