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Clockwork Evolution.
RE: Clockwork Evolution.
The Hollows

The Clockwork Herald sat on his.... Well he wanted a throne, but the best his minions could do was get him a recliner... And stewed.

He was coming across problems with his building army.

The first problem was storage, he was running out of room to hide his clockwork army.

The second was a problem he never saw happening, money. His deals with the Vazhilock and Cricle of Thorns had resulted in a growing pile of shoe boxes full of money. The mess was annoying him... That and a streak of paranoia. His minions where loyal, but he could all to easily imagine one of them going rouge and rubbing him blind, or one of the local gang or homeless breaking in and stealing from him.

Getting up from his chair, he grasped his Nemesis staff, feeling stolen power flow through him. He needed... A connection to the human world, as much as he hated to admit it, he needed some legitimate connections.

Heading downstairs, he moved into the make shift cells where he kept those ready for clockwork conversion, moving from cell to cell, looking at the refuse of humanity, looking for one that could be usefully.

Stopping, he looks into one cell, a woman sat there, her clothes where better quality than the other prisoners, dusky skin, purple hair, cracked glasses frame her face as she sits there listless.

Opening the cell door, he steps in and looks at her. "Rise." He commands.

She slowly gets to her feet, her eyes empty of emotion as she looks up at him, grabbing her jaw, he reaches into her mind, reading it like a big ok.

Twili Shimmer, an A grade student at the University of Croatia, academic genius.... But lonely, bitterly so.... Depression plauged her, so much so she had snuck into the Hallows in hope that something there would kill her.

"You will do." He say, his eyes glowing as he sets to work on her mind, cutting and moulding, carefully removing the depression, giving her a drive for life, but most importantly, an iron hard loyalty to him.

As he finished up, he let her go, Twili stood tall, her face more lively, her eyes shimmered with a desire to serve him. "Follow me." He commands, heading out of the cell, Twili trotting after him.

Atlas Park
First Bank of Paragon.

The Herald tugged his disguise as he watched Twili with one of his more bulky clockwork servants where depositing duffle bags full of money. It was fascinating watching how much effort was put into this, guards came back and forth, paper work was double checked, even if his clockwork looked rediculous dressed in clothes like some low paid muscle. 

As they finished up, Twili walked over with a smile and handed him a folder. "Your papers sir, everything is set up for you to make future deposits, will you still need me or am I to be disposed?"

He looked over the paperwork, adjusting his hat as he smiled, everything was in order.... But this would not be the last time he would need to interact with the human world. "Continue with your life, I will summon you when needed."

She bows at the waist. "Yes your highness." She happily walks off.

Highness.... He Clockwork Herald found himself warming to the title...
Neph: I wanna fight!

Messages In This Thread
Clockwork Evolution. - by Dark Seraph - 01-22-2025, 10:51 PM
RE: Clockwork Evolution. - by Mamorien - 01-23-2025, 09:57 PM
RE: Clockwork Evolution. - by Dark Seraph - 01-26-2025, 02:35 AM
RE: Clockwork Evolution. - by Dark Seraph - 02-20-2025, 07:43 PM

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