Threads of Destiny 433-Green 2.
Yrsillar Wrote:The flames rumbled, and they shot down the crumbling canyon, weaving through masses of falling tile and foundation, curving around plumes of dust, and darting beneath crumbling temples and pagodas. Far, far ahead, Ling Qi caught sight of an immense, lashing tail cracking against the layered ruins and bringing down enough rotting infrastructure to bury a mountain.
Zhengui's accelerated toward the oncoming avalanche and the vast cloud of dust proceeding it, heat flaring beneath his shell. She braced herself, too, the melancholy song that shrouded her becoming more strident and triumphant as shadows writhed. The circling phantom hexagon plates grew starker and more real for just a moment.
They punched through the avalanche in a spear of flame and determination. Tons upon tons of crushing stagnation and loss fell upon them in the guise of worked stone and carved wood, and where they met it, it disintegrated, charred black and blown away in an instant. Ling Qi found herself losing track of time as they pierced layer after layer of ruin, the sphere of charring ruddy light they formed shrinking infinitesimally by the minute.
And yet, she felt no doubt, even as the blackness shrunk in and as the heat became enough to boil a mortal alive. Neither of them would be stopped by mere, unfocused ignorance and doubt. They emerged from the other side of the avalanche in an expanding ball of fire, casting off the shell of ash which had sought to choke them in a rippling ring.
Their destination loomed ahead.