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[IC][Story] There's Nothing Better!
RE: [IC][Story] There's Nothing Better!
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
September 9th, 2016

"This is very good food, Mr. Donaldson! If I could eat like this every day, I'd be happy." Saten-san smiled at Rob when she said that.

Rob looked at the platter. The food was still tuna-fish-and-mayonnaise sandwiches. Nothing worth that reaction.

And the looks Saten-san was getting from the others were far out of proportion to the comment... weren't they?

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
September 9th, 2016

"Thank you for showing me how to connect to the internet. If there's anything I can do for you, just ask. And I do mean anything."

"That's all right, Ms. Uiharu" There it was again; Rob knew he said "Uiharu-san", but that wasn't what he heard. But the look on her face made him want to be anywhere else. She's only 12 - Rob was sure she shouldn't be acting like that. Time to leave her apartment while he still could.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
September 9th, 2016

Was that violin music? Who had a violin? And who knew how to play ... Right. Mikoto knew how - but she rarely played.

Was that from Prokofiev's take on Romeo and Juliet?

Oh, crap.

"Disgusting. Playing that for you, and not for me."

"Please don't just teleport into my apartment, Ms. Shirai."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset!"

"Out. Now. And don't come back in without my permission."

"I'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorry!" And she was gone.

Kuroko, too. Oh, f... no, do not even think that word. Not now.

And where did Railgun get a violin, anyway?

Time to lock the door, before Mii made her play. She was just 17, you know what I mean... and quoting that Beatles song was a Very Bad Idea right now. Time to get some help.

September 9th, 2016

ROB_DONALDSON> I hope I have this configured properly.
ROB_DONALDSON> Is anyone else online?
HELPBOT> You are the only person online here right now.
ROB_DONALDSON> Are these conversations being logged?
HELPBOT> No, but HelpBot forwards urgent messages to SysAdmin.
ROB_DONALDSON> Urgent message: The tenants in my building are behaving strangely.
HELPBOT> Please stand by.
SYSADMIN has logged on
SYSADMIN> How oddly is "oddly"? It's part of your job to help them acclimate to this world.
ROB_DONALDSON> They're acting as if they're romantically attracted to me. They're teenagers, I'm middle-aged.
SYSADMIN> They're getting a psychic echo from the first group that was brought into this universe.
SYSADMIN> I need to install a filter.
SYSADMIN has logged off

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
September 9th, 2016

The violin music trailed off. The texts asking that Rob "friend" Uiharu-san stopped arriving on his phone.

"Do we have anything more substantial for lunch?" Rob wasn't sure whether that comment was a good sign, but at least Saten-san didn't think his sandwiches were the best thing since sliced bread.

And that was a terrible pun.

He unlocked and opened the door to his apartment. "We don't have anything else right now, Saten-san. Somebody need to go shopping. Sorry."

"Could you do that, Donaldson-san? Uiharu-san and I are still looking through clothing-store catalogs."


The girls seemed to be back to normal - at least, normal for them. Better yet, Rob wasn't thinking that Konori-san was a possible candidate to share his bed.

It wasn't until he was at the grocery store that he realized he had also heard the fanboy-Japanese instead of its English equivalent. Hooray for filters!
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by robkelk - 09-09-2016, 02:50 PM
RE: [IC][Story] There's Nothing Better! - by robkelk - 09-18-2016, 08:37 PM
[No subject] - by Rajvik - 09-19-2016, 02:26 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 09-20-2016, 05:21 AM
[No subject] - by Rajvik - 09-28-2016, 02:52 AM
[No subject] - by kestrel404 - 10-10-2016, 05:54 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 10-21-2016, 02:19 PM
[No subject] - by Rajvik - 10-30-2016, 08:53 PM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 11-21-2016, 03:27 PM

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