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[IC][Story] There's Nothing Better!
September 8, 2016, 7:05 AM
The Westwood Apartments
San Antonio, TX, USA

Morning had come.  Outside, song birds, mostly sparrows and grackles with some swallows and a few mockingbirds, were out doing their business at the Westwoods Apartments' courtyard.  Even though it was a horrible mess out there.

But none of that could be seen inside Washu's lab.  Inside, it was all low-key lighting - enough to comfortably see but not enough to strain the eyes.

Benjamin and Jacob had been provided a room with a proper bathroom.  Nothing fancy, but enough to meet acceptable comfort levels.  Very much like a genuinely comfortable value hotel.

Once they exited the room, refreshed and ready to meet the day, things started to get a bit weird - as if staying in a room inside a dimensional pocket large enough to accommodate five planets wasn't weird enough.

"Good morning Mr. Rhodes, Mr. James," greeted Washu in a chipper tone.

Jacob gave the pint-sized genius a tired look.  "Ugh, you're a morning person."

"Actually, I only sleep when I want to sleep," said Washu happily.  "It's so liberating not having to deal with a circadian rhythm."

"I hate you," deadpanned Jacob, causing Ben to snicker despite his own envy of Washu's condition.

"Okay, enough jawing around.  The others are awake and I've already dropped the bomb on them, so you guys don't have to deal with getting to safe range.  You just have to deal with the radioactive fallout instead."

"Joy," drawled the two brothers in unison.


They turned a corner and entered a room that caused Ben to pull up short.

"Holy crap, you recreated the house!"

Indeed, the room before them was an exact replica of the living room and dining area of the Masaki home.  And seated all around the table was the entire crew.

"Oh!  Hello there!" greeted Tenchi as he got up to meet us.  "You must be the building managers - Washu-chan told us everything already.  Even..." Tenchi blushed.  "...the stuff about the OVA."

Jacob winced and Ben bit his tongue.

"And the two TV series..."

And now, Ben groaned.

"And the manga."

Ben sighed.  "That one was better.  It at least kept everything up to the point of the Emperor's visit.  The TV series, as far as I'm concerned, was just fanfiction."

Tenchi blinked.  "How could it be that bad!?"

Ben sighed.  "We can sit down and watch it together if you like.  I don't think there'd be much harm in it - there's so much that was different that I think you might even enjoy it."

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." Jacob muttered, feeling very leery about the idea.

"Oh, don't worry so much.  We'll make a thing out of it.  We'll have popcorn and everything, so if there's something that someone thinks is REALLY stupid, they can go ahead and throw the popcorn at the screen."

Jacob gave Ben a look, "Throw popcorn at the screen... It better be Washu's and I think I'll be taking walk or something when you do this."

"Your loss, but we're being rude to our guests here."  Ben then turned back to Tenchi, who was a bit bewildered by the exchange.  "Howdy Mr. Masaki.  I'm Benjamin Michael Rhodes, and this is my esteemed youngest brother, Jacob Matthew James.  It's my hope that your stay with us will not be too troublesome for you and your family."

Tenchi gave a nervous smile as he rubbed the back of his head.  "Ah, I guess we're all in your care.  Are you two hungry by any chance?  We had Sasami prepare places for you just in case."

"Ugh, I am -always- hungry," groaned Ben.

"Hmm, sounds good," Jacob said.

The two brothers were promptly seated side by side near the head of the table.  

Tenchi, of course, sat at the head of the table, with Noike at his right and Benjamin with the seat of honor to his left.  Aeka was seated next to Noike, which put her across from the younger brother, Jacob.  Next to Jacob sat Washu, and next to Aeka was her sister, Sasami.  Ryo-ohki sat next to Sasami, of course, and the cabbit-girl had her master, Ryoko, accross from her and next to Washu.  Finally, Mihoshi sat at the opposite end of the table.

Breakfast consisted of Tamagoyaki, rice, miso soup, pickles, and a seaweed salad.

Benjamin, having spent three years in Japan as a sailor in the USN, grinned happily as he began to pile food onto his plate, handling the chopsticks provided competently enough.

Jacob, however, was hesitant.

"It's good," encouraged his older brother as Sasami placed bowls of steamed rice down in front of the two brothers.  "That stuff that looks like rolled eggs?  Pretty much what it is.  It has soy and ginger in it, so it has kindofa sweet flavor.  Besides, this is Sasami's cooking, so you know it's gonna be good."

Jacob hesitantly served himself some of the Tamagoyaki to go with the rice. As everyone else ate, Jacob slowly and carefully worked his chopsticks as he ate, while he also carefully watched the others.

"You don't seem to be having much trouble, Mr. Rhodes," said Noike suddenly.  "Little Sasami was worried that you'd be discomfited by our usual fare."

Benjamin gave Noike a small smile.  "I got to live in Japan for about three years.  For given values of 'living', anyhow.  I was in the US Navy, and the unfortunate thing about Seventh Fleet is that we're out to sea more often than not.  Too much to do and not enough ships."

"Ah, a sailor?" said Aeka.  "How quaint.  I must admit it has a somewhat romantic sound to it."

Benjamin's grin widened a bit as he reflected on his time as a sailor.  "It had it's moments.  Mostly it was work-work-work.  I'd easily be at it for about eighteen hours a day, stopping only for meals.  But when everything was done for the day and I had a few minutes to myself, I loved going out onto the weather decks.  Especially on a clear night.  When you're out there, far away from land and any other sources of light, you can see the profile of the Milky Way Galaxy.  It's quite breathtaking... well, for us, anyhow.  You've undoubtedly seen it from space, and I'm certain that's a much more spectacular view."

"That sounds amazing, Mr. Rhodes," said Noike.  "However, I would like to move on to some more pertinent subjects."

Benjamin nodded at this, his smile fleeing his face.  "Right.  In all honesty, this is not what I was expecting what I took this job."

"It wasn't?" asked Tenchi.

I shook my head in confirmation.  "I was looking for work when I got a call from the Texas Workforce Commission saying that someone had contacted them about myself and my brother specifically.  We thought it was pretty unusual, but the money being offered was too good to turn down - a five-thousand dollar sign-on bonus for moving expenses, two-thousand a week for salary, health care coverage, vacation and sick days, and a retirement plan.  And with the economy being what it is now, beggars can't be choosers."

"Different aspirations then?" asked Noike.

"Aerospace engineering," Ben answered.  "Jacob wants video game design."

"On top of writing, but I don't know how this situation will affect that..." Jacob added.

"Ah, so you're an aspiring artist, then?" said Aeka with a smile.

"Uh, I guess. I like world building," Jacob answered.

"You should see it sometime," said Ben with a mildly teasing grin.  "He makes entire charts."

"So?" Jacob quipped.

The others smiled, knowing sibling rivalry when they saw it.

Ben went onto a different track.  "If you don't mind me saying so, you guys seem to be taking this all pretty well."

Ryoko snorted.  "Like as if weird things are anything new to us."

Aeka cut a sidelong look at the former outlaw.  "As loathe as I am to agree with her on anything, it is as Ryoko says.  We have become accustomed to strange happenings.  The only question we have of any real importance is when do we get to go home?"

"I've already answered that for the time being," chimed in Washu.  "The short answer is 'I don't know.'  The longer answer is pretty much just that.  Until these Goddesses come to us with more information."

Benjamin nodded.  "And I'm getting the impression that it's going to be a while.  Skuld mentioned earlier that there were other apartment complexes being setup up."

Suddenly, as if on cue, the tea in Tenchi's cup suddenly glowed, startling everyone at the table as Skuld suddenly pulled herself up out of the fluid with some effort.

"Gyah!" panted the little goddess.  "Is it too much trouble for you to have a pail of water or a bird bath nearby?  Ugh!"

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