I think part of the problem is the moment someone shows a bit of interest in her, particularly a higher-up, she won't have any scruples against using her body as a selling point to move up in the company. As Dartz said, they simply don't have the same sort of... let's call it a 'decency filter' for lack of a better term.
Granted, Anri might be fine with it, but the fact of the matter is that it's most decidedly NOT fine for an employer to take advantage of someone like that. Also, it just would not be fair to her co-workers. She's already going to get preferential treatment for being so damn pretty that mere mortals can't hold a candle to them.
At least as models, they'll have a lot of control over who they work for. With their looks, they can work for anyone in any subject matter. And Dartz can be on hand to make sure they're doing things properly - not making them lousy because they won't put out for the photographer or whatever.
Granted, Anri might be fine with it, but the fact of the matter is that it's most decidedly NOT fine for an employer to take advantage of someone like that. Also, it just would not be fair to her co-workers. She's already going to get preferential treatment for being so damn pretty that mere mortals can't hold a candle to them.
At least as models, they'll have a lot of control over who they work for. With their looks, they can work for anyone in any subject matter. And Dartz can be on hand to make sure they're doing things properly - not making them lousy because they won't put out for the photographer or whatever.