It's not a lack of scruples, so much as a naivite.
They've been living on a space station all their lives. House, as opposed to Field, to borrow an American term. They really have no idea how to handle themselves in the real world where they need money to buy things like food, clothes and thing like rubbish need to be collected, or even laundry, or the fact that some people out there are far smarter than they think they are.
I'd like them to be able to find a job hat keeps them ll individually happy, but they're just not ready to go out into the world alone. They want to and I know I can't do the whole Catcher in the Rye thing forever for them, but I need to teach them some basic lifeskills first before I an even consider letting them face the world alone. And I am the worst fucking person for it.
Getting buy on our....abilities.... is just dangerous.
All it takes is one Xray, or one accident, or pushing on arsehole just that bit too far to the point where he or she tries to take what they think is on offer, and suddenly the world is faced with the realisation that there're five gynoids capable of..... well, you can guess how the redtops would spin it.
And the girls don't know that. That's the piece of the puzzle they're missing. They don't get just how integral to a persons sense of 'self' that is.... and how deep that violation might be.
It's just a Power we have.
We're trying to find something we can all agree on, for the time being. Sylvie's pretty good at convincing everyone being in a band would be a lot of fun. On.e the one hand, it sounds risky.... on the other....
It does feel exciting. It's something so far outside whaT I would've done that I'd be mad not to.
And maybe, if we're popular and people like us, we can manage the secret a little better when it does come out. Or,others will manage it for us to keep the money rolling in.....
33-Stars. Sounds like a band name ;P
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
They've been living on a space station all their lives. House, as opposed to Field, to borrow an American term. They really have no idea how to handle themselves in the real world where they need money to buy things like food, clothes and thing like rubbish need to be collected, or even laundry, or the fact that some people out there are far smarter than they think they are.
I'd like them to be able to find a job hat keeps them ll individually happy, but they're just not ready to go out into the world alone. They want to and I know I can't do the whole Catcher in the Rye thing forever for them, but I need to teach them some basic lifeskills first before I an even consider letting them face the world alone. And I am the worst fucking person for it.
Getting buy on our....abilities.... is just dangerous.
All it takes is one Xray, or one accident, or pushing on arsehole just that bit too far to the point where he or she tries to take what they think is on offer, and suddenly the world is faced with the realisation that there're five gynoids capable of..... well, you can guess how the redtops would spin it.
And the girls don't know that. That's the piece of the puzzle they're missing. They don't get just how integral to a persons sense of 'self' that is.... and how deep that violation might be.
It's just a Power we have.
We're trying to find something we can all agree on, for the time being. Sylvie's pretty good at convincing everyone being in a band would be a lot of fun. On.e the one hand, it sounds risky.... on the other....
It does feel exciting. It's something so far outside whaT I would've done that I'd be mad not to.
And maybe, if we're popular and people like us, we can manage the secret a little better when it does come out. Or,others will manage it for us to keep the money rolling in.....
33-Stars. Sounds like a band name ;P
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?