Last night I noticed that, on the bio page, the right margin for the photo was pretty much non-existent under Firefox 2 & 3 Under IE7 it was much smaller
than the left and bottom ones. Also, the top margin is very tight under IE7. Looking at the code, you are using the depreciated hspace img option. Have you
considered using the css margin command for that image? If not, you do need to increase the hspace from 5 to better balance the right margin of the text in the
block in a non-IE browser. Also, if you are going to use hspace you should consider using vspace to try and even the image margins.
than the left and bottom ones. Also, the top margin is very tight under IE7. Looking at the code, you are using the depreciated hspace img option. Have you
considered using the css margin command for that image? If not, you do need to increase the hspace from 5 to better balance the right margin of the text in the
block in a non-IE browser. Also, if you are going to use hspace you should consider using vspace to try and even the image margins.