Quote:Cloudcuckoolander page: what the squid is this? Looks like it generates a proper import file -- let me look at the XML and see if something is fishy. Hm, this is not kraken helping. Oh, somehow Badass and Cloudcuckoolander got inkcorrectly indexed as each other. Fixed.
It's not just indexes, unless I misunderstand what you mean. Apparently the actual trope names on (at least some) work/artist pages were changed, as well. For instance, I was just on http://allthetropes.orain.org/wiki/Tiny_Tim_(Music)]this page, which insisted that the reason Tiny Tim became a subject of fascination in the 1960s was because he was a badass. (I fixed that before coming here.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.