@Morganni: I must have forgotten you were unbanned. (By way of excuse, it's been over a year.) Sorry about that. Also, I will do copyrights thing momentarily.
We do need to be careful about mentioning TV Tropes too much on our wiki, lest we face the wrath of a trademark infringement suit. But we should keep it around in the nominative case, though.
I try to keep my anger to the institutions, and try to change them from the inside, but that was simply not possible in this case. ????????? I can only try to good with it and create a new thing that's better.
Paranoia was my stock-in-trade, being one of the founders of this club at my college. And well, in conflicts, it makes perfect sense to spy on the enemy, especially when it's as easy as reading a forum thread.
Oh, and I had one more idea -- why don't we tell the people on YKTTW that if that if TVT denies their new trope idea, maybe they can make a page for it on All The Tropes.
-- ∇×V
We do need to be careful about mentioning TV Tropes too much on our wiki, lest we face the wrath of a trademark infringement suit. But we should keep it around in the nominative case, though.
Quote:Actually, one hell of a lot of things that aren't tropes seem to be in Trope. That could be... a problem.
Quote:sub is_trope_or_work { my ($fn) = @_; my $newtitle = get_new_title($fn); return "work" if $newtitle =~ /(/; return "creator" if $newtitle =~ /^Creator/;This was not the most elegant approach, but it was the best I had at the moment.@Tennie: I don't really feel any ill will towards Eddie, either. He's put in a lot of work on his website, and it was a lot of fun for a lot of years. I am still angry with him, a year and a half later. It's like my superpower, the ability to stay angry and motivated for the long game.
my ($ns, $pn) = split /./, lc($fn), 2; use List::MoreUtils qw/any/; return "work" if any { $rewrite_as{$_ . $pn} } (qw/characters trivia recap synopsis fanficrecs radar synopsis ymmv/);
return "trope";}
Paul, to the Ephesians Wrote:Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.Maybe my evil superpower :/
I try to keep my anger to the institutions, and try to change them from the inside, but that was simply not possible in this case. ????????? I can only try to good with it and create a new thing that's better.
Paranoia was my stock-in-trade, being one of the founders of this club at my college. And well, in conflicts, it makes perfect sense to spy on the enemy, especially when it's as easy as reading a forum thread.
Oh, and I had one more idea -- why don't we tell the people on YKTTW that if that if TVT denies their new trope idea, maybe they can make a page for it on All The Tropes.
-- ∇×V