vorticity Wrote:Spoilers should work like on this page once the code updates.
*Morgan screams in terror*
So, it's fail-unsafe for someone blocking javascript from orain.org, some random number at cloudfront, or with it entirely disabled. Nor will there be any indication that there's even supposed to be a spoiler in that case.
When it is all enabled, it's very easy to accidentally reveal spoilers that one may not have wished to see, given how large some of them are.
In conclusion, aieeeeeeee!
Uh, so, honestly I don't care about spoilers at all, but I'm sure there's someone out there who does who would have run into this soon enough.
On spoilers in general, I think we need to do something about "it's so much of a spoiler, both the trope name and the entire example have to be spoiler-blocked". I can accept the idea that sometimes the trope name is a spoiler in and of itself, but there ought to be enough visible in the example that someone who has seen the event in question can tell that they have.