Bob Schroeck Wrote:If a mod from TVT recognizably joins ATT, I would first be wary, and wait to see how they behave as a basic wiki citizen for at least a couple weeks before offering them any greater level of power. If a mod from TVT joins ATT unrecognizably and informs us he's a (former) mod -- I'd be doubly wary.
I was thinking something similar myself, but for some reason couldn't think of how to word it (man I sure hate when I can't think of how to properly word something, only to come up with it when I don't have immediate access to the internet, and by the time that I do I've forgotten the wording I came up with. Ugh!).
Now, if they state that they only intend to be mere users, I suppose that they should mostly be fine. Just help them get adjusted to the way we run thing vis a vis TVT, and they should hopefully be good to go!