Tennie Wrote:If you don't mind me asking, does anyone know who nuked Orain and why, and why he's apparently going after Miraheze? I'm getting the feeling that he's just some troll who fucks with wiki farms to get his jollies...*Shakes head sadly*
For the record, they are full of shit. If anything, THEY were the ones to do that (by burning it to ashes, it was literally their only purpose). The good news is that Miraheze has a MUCH better security grid, and based on the attack vector, they must have had inside information (if they were a disgruntled employee, I have a few suspects, can strike John Lewis off that list for sure, the earlier blamed incursion on him was not his fault as an investigation verified) or exploited a hole in our DNS configuration (their earlier brute force attacks were likely done to find it). Also, John already can been able to coutertrace the attack on him and is successfully fending them off (they've barely gotten a minor DDoS or two off), currently they can't even manage that thanks to his vigilance, and he's willing to pour hard cash into keeping us secure (I already promised to donate money towards that end should he need it).
So in short, Orain had some sort of pre-existing hole for this fool to exploit. John took notes from them and improved his security based on what happened to Orain, so we should be much more secure in our new home. Also, we'll have access to some features we desperately could use, like Visual Editor, Flow, and some other features Orain could never support, so were basically upgrading in some ways.
As for our lost content, it sucks, but there is some hope. the Wayback Machine's next update in a month or two should have most of the page sources we need to recover, so this setback isn't as grevious as earlier indicated. We'll need to restore some images, but I have a lot of those, so does Vorticity.
All in all, we were wounded, but not fatally, and we'll recover.
And this time, we'll be wearing a Kevlar vest if they try to assasinate us again.